Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where to Buy Superworms Online

I hate buying superworms in the small cups at the pet store with 25 super worms a cup. Where that may work for someone who has just one or two reptiles, it just isn't economical for someone with many hungry mouths.

Personally, it is still cheaper to breed your own feeders, but if you just don't have the time for that, buying them online in bulk is definitely the way to go.

And, since I just bought a new batch of superworms, I figured it would be a nice post to help those looking for places to buy bulk super worms online

Superworms make a good feeder insect for many reptiles, to include bearded dragons, skinks, various gecko species, and other various lizard species. Some birds, fish, scorpions, and other animals will also eat super worms as a tasty meal.

Super worms are not as cheap as mealworms, no matter buying in small quantities or bulk, so you want to make sure that you shop around to get the best deal.

I've used the following sellers, and have been quite pleased with them. You will find that during different times of the year, there will be different specials and deals available for super worm prices.

* Premium Live Worms - $19.00 per 1,000 super worms
* The Worm Company - $9.95 for 100; $22.95 for 500; $29.99 for 1000; $110.95 for 5000 super worms (free shipping on all worm orders)
* Armstrong Crickets - $18.00 for 500; $26.00 for 1000; $78 for 3000; $220.00 for 10,000 super worms

There are other insect sellers that you may have tried or that have better prices. Please let me know who you've been pleased with.

1 comment:

Supreme Gecko said...

Another source of Superworms that we use is Bassett ($40 for 2K).
