Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks and Showing Appreciation

There has been a lot to give thanks for throughout 2010, and Thanksgiving is definitely the day to do it.

We should give thanks to our families, friends, and coworkers. For those of us with jobs, we should give thanks to our employment and bosses who fought to let us keep our jobs. We should give thanks for the food on our table and the roof on top of our heads. We should give thanks to what luxuries we have.

The economy isn't as it has been, and it won't be back to the top peak tomorrow.

We need to give thanks for what we have right now. We should not feel sorry for what we may have lost or may have had if only if things were different.

Giving thanks is important today, as we spent time with our friends and families.

This past year, I have a lot to be thankful for.
  • I've been able to keep my day job, and further my online writing.
  • I was able to purchase a new 2010 Acura RDX.
  • I had the ability to purchase animals to better my collection.
  • I was able to help various organizations that my job supports, to include Toys for Tots, the Valley Rescue Mission, and the House of Mercy.
These may be simple thanks, but they are things to be thankful for. 
My red foots are thankful mommy is able to buy dinner to put on the table.
This year, think about the things you have thankful for. Did you overcome cancer? Were you able to end your job search to become employed? Did you have a family member overcome an illness? Were you able to reach a personal goal?

There are so many things to be thankful, and it's time that you show appreciation for the things that you have and the things that you plan to strive for.

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