Tuesday, January 25, 2011

first eggs of the season

I found my first crested gecko egg for 2011. I have it in the incubator although I do not think it is fertile.

other news... Atlanta repticon is this upcoming weekend. I am slowly getting ready, amongst my other normal weekly duties.

I'm also trying to get some jewelry ready, as well.

It is a busy week with a coworker out at work, a take home midterm to work on, a paper tow start, and regular homework and reptile duties.

The show couldn't have come ay a worse time, but I hope u am preparing and getting everything as well as I can.
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Supreme Gecko said...

Congrats on the first eggs! Now the wait..........

goReptiles said...

Thanks! My boyfriend is already anxious for me to have hatchlings. He's on some new reptile kick, he's never been on before.

Supreme Gecko said...

Good times if he is... wait till he starts taking care of those first babies of the season.

goReptiles said...

Ha... That won't happen. I'll be the one caring for everything.
