Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crazy Leachies

All of my leachianus geckos have their own temperaments and personalities. While cleaning cages the other day, I spent a little more time with my youngest two- Quinby and Milo.

Milo (to the left) is a Super Nuu Ana x Isle of Pine mix. Quinby (bottom right) is a Type B GT.

Between teh two, Milo is my potential male and Quinby my potential female. Now, these will not be a pair, but that's just how my youngest two happen to be sexed.

My pairs are hopefully going to be:
* Motley (Nuu Ana x Isle E) and Leenah (Nuu Ana)
* Milo (Super Nuu Ana x Isle of Pine) and Mirrach (high white Isle of Pine)
* Kaiser (Type B GT to come) and Quinby (Type B GT)

I am hoping all my potential pairs will be well, as leachies can get quite aggressive and even refuse the mate you chose for them. These guys don't always get along and can vicsiously fight the mate you have chosen, if they so choose not to like you pick.

But, anyway... The point of this post was that all of my geckos are different, and when handling Milo and Quinby, I have found that the two youngsters are more varied in personality and temperament than my older three. Milo would rather be on a stick, branch, or just in his cage, whereas Quinby quickly finds a finger (generally the thumb) and hangs on until you have to pry her off.

I have always heard so many keepers saying that their crested geckos all have different personalities, but with my gargoyles, leopard geckos, and even crested geckos, I have never really seen anything different among them. But, with my leachianus geckos and chahouas, I see personalities.

I don't know if I see what I want to see, or if there is truly something there to see, but I like it either way.

I enjoy having reptiles, and what is awesome is that some of them do seem to behave differently.

OH I do have one crested gecko that will sit and just hang out on your shoulder for hours, but the rest don't want anything to do with you. But, since Tripod has been placed in a more natural enclosure (for me means not egg cartons and cardboard cup holders), he's been more secluded and more of a recluse. Either way, he's still more friendly and docile than the rest.

But anyway, the point is leachianus geckos seem to have a good bit of personality differeneces, at least between Milo and Quiby I see something different in the geckos.

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