Friday, January 21, 2011

Album for show is done

The album is not perfect, but I have a nice assortment of pictures to offer people to view.

I may set up a digital photo frame, but I am undecided on that right now.

I am now wishing I had bought an album with the note area per picture, but I figure I will buy a few and start working on species albums.

That, or maybe I will work on scrap books. I have been wanting to get back into those as well as the jewelry.

Soon, I will try to upload a few pictures from the album.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


Supreme Gecko said...

We tried the digital album for a while but it just seemed to take up too much space/was a bit more work when setting up at the show. I like your album (without notes) as this will initiate conversations.

goReptiles said...

Thanks! The album definitely caught some attention.
