Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Female RAPTOR Leopard Gecko

UPS so lovingly delivered me a gorgeous little female RAPTOR this morning. She flew from Maryland all the way to Georgia in less than 24 hours. Don't you wish you could do that? Well, anyway, Matt from Lizards of Oz sent me this gorgeous little thing with one solid red eye and one 50% snake eye. I debated between this one or another with two solid red eyes, but somethign about this little girl screamed, "Buy Me!" So, I did.

She should brighten up as she grows. I have some nice plans for her. I may get a few more RAPTORs in the future as I have so many ideas that just one lil female can't do it all. Which, makes me sad that I didn't get the other female that I was debating about, but I'll get over it.

1 comment:

MagicalElf73 said...

hey, I'm interested in purchasing a RAPTOR leopard gecko and would like to know where you got your's from. I looked up Lizard of Oz, but couldn't find anything. Could you link me or something please?

