Monday, August 20, 2007

New Leopard Gecko Breeders

Although, I had believed I was finished for the year purchasing new leopard gecko breeders for next year, I found a great deal. I have recently purchased a gorgeous little RAPTOR female from Lizards of Oz. She'll be in on Wednesday. I'll post pictures of her promptly.

Other recently purchased breeders include:
  • 2 female SHTCTB from Geckophiles
  • 1 female SHTCTB from VMS Herp
  • 1 male SHTCTB from Aubrey's Reptiles
  • 1 male Tremper Sunglow from Gecko Genetics

You can see our plans for next season are growing rapidly. Tangerines, Raptors, Sunglows, Trempers Jungles, Blazing Blizzards. As well as our AFT morphs and crested geckos.

The above geckos are two of my most recent purchases. The SHTCTB at the top is the male from Sean Aubrey at Aubrey's Reptiles, and the gecko on the bottom is the female from Sean Niland from VMS Herp. Both look much more tangerine in person and will produce lovely tangerine hatchlings.

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