Saturday, January 12, 2008

How to Choose A Crested Gecko

How to Choose a Crested Gecko? that may be what you're asking yourself if you're considering bringing home a crested gecko that is.

Well, assuming that you know how to take care of a crested gecko (husbandry, diet, heat, humidity, etc), you will want to know the different visible signs of sick and healthy geckos.

Make sure that you consider both retail and breeder options. Weigh them carefully, as one may be a better option. As a breeder, I can give you tons of viable reasons to go to a breeder, but at the same time, there can be ok reasons to go to a retail store.

If you choose to purchase from a pet store, make sure that the employee you're talking to knows what he's saying, the enclosure is clean and correct, the gecko(s) in the enclosure look healthy, and just make sure that you are comfortable with the decision that you are making....

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