Sunday, September 2, 2007

Snow Leopard Gecko Project

I have found two rather nice mack snow leopard geckos from AC Reptiles. I have decided that although I did not have a project in my plans for this particular morph, I still had to have them. Anthony, at AC Reptiles has gorgeous leopard geckos, crested geckos, and carpet pythons, and these individuals are spectacular in my eyes. With just two females, there's not much one can do with a project, but there will be a reptile expo in Atlanta, Georgia, sponsored by the Georgia Herpetological Society. By the time the show is here, November 17-18, I will have made plans with these girls.

I'm deciding upon rainwater snows, bell snows, supers of them, or who knows. I'm somewhat leaning towards a rainwater male or a snow het rainwater male. If this is the case, I will also purchase a rainwater female to add to the group. If I end up with a snow het rainwater, the posibilities are great. Super snow, Rainwater snows, possibly rainwater super snows. We'll see what happens...

With Anthony I have finally found a gorgeous male crested gecko. I haven't made a 100% decision about the matter, but I am leaning towards topping my current reptile spendings with these three individuals from AC Reptiles.

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