Monday, February 21, 2011

Gargoyle Geckos for Sale

I have five gargoyle gecko babies for sale. They are from Repashy stock and about 4 weeks old. They are all five unsexed babies.






Thursday, February 17, 2011

New P.I. Chahoua Geckos

I was able to get my two PI chahouas finally! Barbara with Creepy Exotics is awesome to work with, and as you can see by these two, possible females, here geckos are just as great!



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pictures of Gargoyle Geckos

I didn't get very good pictures tonight as I put up the gars, but here are a few shots that I managed to get that weren't too,too bad. I hope by the weekend, I can get good shots. Many of them were in shed. I have high hopes for one of the female juveniles that appears to be a nice red stripe.

Here's the run down of what I ended up with.

Adults: 1 female stripe, 3 female retics of varying color and pattern, and 1 male retic.
Juvies: 1 female orange blotch, 1 female red stripe, and 1 female stipe (nice yellows)
Babies: 3 stripes, 1 blotch, and 1 retic banded

new gargs

Check out these monsters!!

I got my order from repashy today, and these are awesome. I got three breeding retic, one stripe, and a blotch.

Of the juvies, I received a red stripe in shed, a yellow tinted retic, and an Orange blotch. And the babies are stripes and retics.

I will post good pictures this weekend when they have called down and relaxed.

My current and past gargoyle must have been dwarfs when compared to these adults!

I can't wait to see what the females lay, as they are supposedly already breeding and look gravid and fat.

So stoked
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Nee Geckos

If all goes well with the weather this week, I should be getting several geckos in. I expected five breeding gargoyle geckos, three juvenile females, five babies. I should also get my two chahouas.

I finally cut down my enclosures just in time to drastically increase them.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Back into gargs

I am pretty excited. I have purchased a breeding group of gargoyle geckos, as well as three juveniles and five babies.

More than likely, the babies well be put up for sale, but I havent decided whether I will keep or resell the juvies.

The breeder, Allen Repashy, is going to try and send three female juveniles, which I may group with my current male when they are breedable. Time will make my decision.

I have had my male since egg, but I have sold all other gargoyle geckos since then. I am quite hopeful and excited about my newly rekindled project.

What is great is that the breeding group is already laying, which means I should have baby gargoyle geckos for sale this year.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tips for Frog Keepers

Although, I currently do not have any frogs, I have had pacman frogs before, and let me tell you that they are not the most entertaining pet in the world. Frogs are very interesting, and depending on the amount of time you have to devote, they can be great pets. I mean, I have seen gorgeous firebelly toad enclosures, that not only create a naturalistic enclosure for the toads, but creates great entertainment to watch and it's nice to look at.

But, if you don't have much time, a simple pacman frog enclosure isn't going to be much fun, and the frog just won't enteract with you like a gecko may. Either way, for those people who are interested in keeping pet frogs, I'd definitely want to keep in mind the following tips and suggestions before you eitehr dehydrate or fry your pet frog to death.

1. Frogs have very sensitive skin, so you want to be very careful of what you clean the enclosure with; do not use household cleaners. You also want to be careful of what contaminants are on your hands before and after handling a frog.

2. Do not mix species, and before housing more than one from in an enclosure, make sure that you know the species that you're caring for and understand that some frogs will eat other frogs, such as with Pacman frogs.

3. Before getting your first frog, make sure that you do the research from the beginning. You don't want to pick out a frog that will croak all night long, keeping you awake, and if you want an active frog, you don't want to purchase a slug, like the Pacman that just sits and eats.

When choosing a pet frog, you want to make sure that you do your research. Consider firebelly toads, Whites' tree frogs, green tree frogs, and pacman frogs are good beginner frog species to get you started.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stereotype Reptile People

So many people stereotype reptile keepers that the assumption is that those people who keep reptiles have tattoos and piercings and are essentially of a goth or emo type person.

Well, I've never thought that, but my conclusions were definitely set when I vended at the Atlanta Repticon show January 29th and 30th.

I saw loads of goths and emo kids and adults, as well as preps and moms who really don't like reptiles. I met many people who wore jeans and a tee, but I also saw those in leopard and snakeskin prints. I met not only white people, but black, Hispanic, and Asian. I saw and met many men, women, children, and older people.

There were teachers, mechanics, retired people, stay at home moms, and everything in-between.

Reptile people are diverse. There is no stereotype for a reptile person except for their love and fascination of reptiles and amphibians.

I mean, taking myself into consideration. I do have tattoos and piercings, but I'm not a goth or emo. I have a normal desk job. I write, work on craft projects, and diligently complete school work. I love my jeans with a t-shirt or my leggings with a dress. I'm the girl next door... Sort of.

And, my boyfriend who also attended the show and is getting more and more into reptiles and the overall scene... He is a country boy who likes hunting, watching college football, and is known for his Polo brand shirts. He isn't even the most animal-loving person in the world, although he does like animals.

You just can't stereotype and group reptile keepers into one group of people. we are diverse!