Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 17 Dixie Reptile Show

It's that time again. The original Birmingham show is back this month, and I'll be attending. I didn't think that I was going to make it, but it turns out I will be in town.

If you'll be in Birmingham, Alabama this weekend, make sure to stop by and visit the monthly reptile show that Terry Heurig prepares.

If you're not sure where the show is located, check the official website: Dixie Reptile Show

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Leopard Gecko Stuck Shed

Leopard geckos are pretty hardy animals. When given proper housing and diet, they tend to live long lives, but there are times when you may have concerns about the health of your leopard gecko.

Generally, they will shed completely and will eat all, or most, of their old skin. When your leopard gecko leaves some of their skin, you may find that the gecko could either 1) be ill or 2) have improper housing.

It's always best to include a humid hide when your leopard gecko is in shed, so to aid in the process.

If your leopard gecko doesn't normally have problems shedding, I wouldn't worry about one or two mishaps, but if it becomes a constant problem with stuck shed or the bulk of the shed lying about the enclosure, you may need to consider what could be going on with your leopard gecko's health.

My Gecko Didn't Shed Properly - Leopard Gecko Problems Shedding

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tortoise Tattoo

I've been meaning to post a picture of my tortoise tattoo. It was a birthday present to myself back in July. The picture was taken right after completion, so I need a new picture to update with, but this is all I have right now.

The center of the tortoise shell includes the South Korean flag, as my grandmother is from Seoul, South Korea.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pictures of Red Foot Tortoises

I took the babies out today, as it wasn't overly hot. I took them out in shifts, as I always tend to misplace one or two when all 10 red foots go outside. Even still, I managed to misplace Yertle, but I did find him on the second shift of babies.

I've included just a few pictures of my red foot tortoises. You may be able to spot the Brazilian cherryhead tortoises over the normal Northern red foots.
