Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Tortoise

I ended up coming home with a new pet... A columbian red foot.

Vicki with The Tortoise Yard is great. She has some of the red foots that I've ever seen. I wanted one of her regular red foot babies thst had a solid neon head and near solid red legs, but I kept waiting. I should have got him the second time I looked, but did not.

She sold him by the time I got bavk the third time.

It was fine bc I told her the first time I looked that I hoped she sold it so I didnt have to buy him... But I really wanted that one. I have never seen a regular red dh oot with no Brazilian in it so red.

I ended up determined to buy one today bc I had sat at my table so long thinking of it.

I debated one getting two, but ended up with one with odd yellow scutes, wich I could not get a good picture of with my tablet. The scutes sre brown, yellow, and a neon. I know the carapace will change greatly, but that really did it for me.

He has a pumpkin colored head and a decent amount of red on the legs.

Vicki said she hopes the baby has dad's legs and mom's personality... Me too.

I can see myself buying another from Vicki.

I now have four red foots. 2 Brazilian and 2 Columbian. 2 with extra scutes (1 Columbian and 1 is Brazilian), 2 with normal scutes (1 is Columbian and 1 Brazilian).

I love my tortoises.
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