Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Leopard Geckos For Sale Price List

So my current available list is pretty much complete, unless a few unexpected things occur.

Anyway, here it is...

Cremesicles possible het Bell- 1st generation IE SHTCTB x Mack het Bell pairing (TS male and female): $45-$75
Mack Snow het Bell (TS male and female): $50
Mack Snow Bell (TS male and female): $125-$175
Normal het Bell (TS female): $20
Normal/High Yellow with tinge of tangerine (TS female): $15
SHTCTB (TS male and female): $50-$100
Super Snow (TS female): %100-$150
Tremper Sunglows het RAPTOR/Eclipse (TS male and female): $75-$100

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