Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Crested Gecko Breeders

Crested geckos are one of the best beginner reptiles because of their docile temperaments and ease of housing in captivity.

They are a part of the Rhacodactylus group, which means like other species in this group, in the wild they primarily eat fruits. But, in captivity, they eat a special meal replacement diet. You can purchase larger quantities at Pangea Reptile. But, if you have a fewer number of geckos, one small bottle will suffice for a month, give or take. You can purchase smaller quantities of the meal replacement various pet stores or online. You can find a link to the Crested Gecko Diet, to the right of this page.

So, maybe you're interested in owning a crested gecko... Where can you find one?

  • Pet Stores
  • Breeders

    Remember that with purchasing any animal from a pet store, whether it be a large commercial pet store, such as PetCo, Petsmart, or Pet Land, or a small "mom and pop" pet store, there are different things that you must consider. You really don't know where they got the animals, the breeding behind the animals, or the true care. You don't even know if the employees truly know how to take care for hte animals. And, these concerns apply for any animal ranging from hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, dogs, cats, and reptiles.

    You may want to check out Buying Retail Reptiles before you purchase from a pet store.

    The other alternative is a breeder. Breeders know how to care for the animal in question, they know the proper diets and husbandry requirements. Breeders know their animals.

    When purchasing from a breeder, you must consider the price will be cheaper than at a petstore, for the same quality or better animal, but at the same time, you may have to pay more for shipping costs.

    If you don't want to pay from shipping, you can ask around reptile forums for breeders in your area or attend reptile shows in you area.

    When purchasing from breeders, you tend to have a larger selection of morphs (colors and patterns) to choose from, versus maybe one or two that the pet store has.

    And, crested geckos come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Because the species is relatively new to the pet market, they have a wide range of morphs still coming out daily.

    Currently, you can find:
  • Patternless
  • Buckskin
  • Pinstripe
  • Flame
  • Harlequin
  • Dalmatian
  • Super Dalmatian
  • Red
  • Cream/Blonde

    And a variety of mixes of the above morphs.
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